Friday, October 30, 2009

Kamie Flu

Kamie has been down with the Flu since Saturday Oct 24th. She had to miss school for 4 days. She was okay during the time once she took her medicine, but once the medicine wears out, her fever came back. She recovered on Thursday and got to start back school on Friday.

She is really smart with the computer. She knows how to use everything on it, and anything I show her once, she remembers. I have a extra laptop that I allowed her to use. She knows how to start up the computer and open up the web browser by clicking the start menu and clicking to open Google Chrome. I set the website that I allow her to go on as the home page, so she can go on and play learning games. She really enjoy it. I need to find more websites which are kids friendly. She has known how to use youtube for about 1/2 year now, but I realized that youtube is not very kid-friendly. I need to find a better website with videos for kids.

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