We went to church today. I was so good. We had a great time. Shen is mad that i told her to go to the other church first. I love this church, but I thought I'd introduce her to the other one first. She is now mad that she didn't know about this church before. Kamie had a good time. I wish my camera wasn't broke, I would have more pictures.We met a lot of Jamaicans at Church. It was a pretty good day. Lots of people invited us that we can have lunch with them sometime.
WATERSIDEAfter church, we drove by the waterside. We stopped at a fishing/beach pier and we went out. Kamie was SUPER excited and she started running all over the place playing. She LOVES water and she really wanted to go into the water. I told her it was cold, but she still wanted to go. We spent some time relaxing, then we decided to walk out to the pier. Kamie wanted to run, so I told her to keep on the concrete and not go on the grass, which leads to the water. She is very obedient. We went out to the pier, but Shen got cold, so she stopped and didn't go on. Kamie on the other hand, I was afraid she would get cold, so I kept telling her that we have to go back now because the breeze is too cold, but she insist that she was not cold, despite cold bumps coming up on her. That is how much she loves water.lol. On our way back, someone was walking their dog, so Kamie wanted to be lifted up because she didn't want to get 'bit'. We stopped and talked with the girl with the dog for a little while. She was from Washington State, so she was loving this weather, because it was still freezing up there. She seem to be walking with another lady with 2 kids in a double stroller and another girl who later came on. We eventually walked back to the car with them.
We then continued our ride along the beach front to home. When we got home, we made lunch, which was left over from Friday dinner. Shen wanted to sleep, and I wanted to sleep as well. I promised Kamie that if she ate her food, we could go riding her tricycle outside though. Despite me wanting to sleep, I decided to go with her.
RIDING TRICYCLE and Playing ballShe was VERY excited to go riding. I do not think she has ever gotten to go riding long like that before, because it has been cold. I had the beach ball and we rode around my apartment building a few times. We then rode around the back, all over the place. We went to ever building in the apartment, to the water etc. Kamie went and picked flowers and put on her tricycle. It was fun. I started bouncing the ball and having her ride to go get it and come back.
We later stopped and started playing with the small ball which she has under her tricycle seat. I started throwing it for her to catch, she throw it for me, we played all the games we could think of. When she was finally tired, we went and she rode some more. We rode all the way to the end of the apartment, where it meets the water and we stop again, while she breaks sticks and throw them in the water. After a while, we decided to go back. We decided we would have a race, so I walked as fast as I could and she pedaled as fast as she could, man, she can ride REALLY fast. We made it back in no time. We then rode around some more, then finally went up. We were probably outside for about 3 hours.
When we went inside, we relaxed a little, then Shen realized that she had to go back to hang out with her friends for their birthday, so me and Kamie took her back to her dorm. We came back and played with her flash cards some more.
FARM VISITOn Sunday, we planned to go to see the farm animals. I woke up about 8, but I didnt wake up Kamie until about 10, then we made pancakes as usual. She LOVES pancakes. We then got ready and went to pick up Shen and then went to the farm. I was happy to go, because last week we went, and she was warming up to them. She was not afraid this time. We went and she went up to the turkeys and started watching them. The only time she got scared with the turkeys was when we were walking away and one of them came up to the fence and gave a loud gobble and frightened her. We then went to look on the ducks, then she was excited to go over to the Pony. She went up to him. but he walked away. We walked around, and we got to go to all the animals. She still did not get to touch any animals and she was still scared. The last animal we visited was the Lama. We went up to him, but she was stiffening up, and wanted me to lift her up. Luckily a family came by with feedings and each of them took turns to have him eat the feedings out of her hand. By the end of the day, she says that next time, she will be willing to let him eat out of her hand. Hopefully this will put out her fear that the animals are going to bite her.
We then went to the playground. I went over to the swing, but she stared acting up. She didn't want to go in the swing, and wanted to go in the kiddies swing. She started fussing, so I told her that we were going to go, but she didn't want to go either. Eventually Shen went over to her and took her back. We went to the grown children slide, but she didn't want to go on. Everything, she wanted me to go on first. I was disappointed that she didn't want to acting fussy. We went over to the kiddies slide and I went up the ladder and she now wanted to follow me. She want me to do everything with her. I did not want her to depend on me like that, but I went ahead with it anyway. We stared climbing and jumping, and finally she went on the slide. After that, we went over to the better play area now, the the larger slides. She started with the smallest slid on this, and again she started acting fussy. She worked her way up to the middle slide though and then she got enough courage to go to the largest long tunnel slide. I was a little worried that this one was a little fast for her, but man, after she went down it, she had a HUGE smile on her face. She was laughing and she got out and ran around and ran back up to join the line again. She went again and again and again. Pretty soon, I was ready to go, but man, each time she slide, she wanted to slide again. It was after a long time I got her to promise me that it was the last time, and I promised her that I would take her back next week. She came down happy, playing and singing. We went back to the car, and then I took her back to her mom.
I need to get my camera fixed so that I can start taking pictures again. I got pictures with my cell phone, but its not the same like a real camera.